Energy, Mass and Lean Six Sigma environment


We will continue with the positive linkage between human behavior and Lean Six Sigma from previous ideas that we wrote about last week referring to the importance and role of frontal cortex development. Einstein has connected mass and energy through his formula E=mc^2. Let's assume that within a company we have 1000 people who are strongly motivated to create positive energy, and about 5 Senior Managers who have a large mass of inertia. Einstein experiment consisted in introducing photons that emitted light inside of a box. Since the box has its own mass and no outside action acted upon to move it, when photons radiated light, the box moved in the opposite direction from where the light irradiated.
Most importantly, to ensure that a significant move in a pre-determined and positive direction is made, there are many and positive momentums that need to be created in a Lean Six Sigma environment in similar ways as photons create momentums by transferring light to mass. A static box will only be moved if there are enough photons that constantly radiate a required amount of light from different directions that hopefully will not become just a constant annoyance, but rather will imprint certain behavioral changes.

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Frontal cortex and Lean Six Sigma environment


The primary role of the frontal cortex is to direct and coordinate the functioning of other parts of the brain, both through a process of conscious thought and decision making by drawing on other neural resources on a subconscious level. This involves receiving input from the body's senses and processing that input to highlight the most important piece of information. The frontal cortex is responsible for the brain's ability to create long-term plans, govern emotions, creative and original thinking.

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eLearning Lean Six Sigma Community

BITSPEC had an amazing year in 2012 since we were able to build the IT Infrastructure on eLearning and Learning Management System, received accreditation as an Accredited Training Organization from PeopleCert and IASSC Lean Six Sigma, and started to have clients from across the world. Our success is based on work, an excellent team of professionals who communicate with each other although we reside on two continents and three different countries.
Since our last Newsletter on Oct. 15, 2012, BITSPEC had 920 new visitors and 5483 viewed pages. There were visitors from 48 countries who clicked on the web site. It is impressive how transparent and easy to use the technology became during the last years, and how can we all come together to communicate with each other on the common IT platform. Our intend is to engage more the students who take our eLearning Lean Six Sigma courses to share from their experiences. Because students are from different backgrounds, countries and industries our efforts are deemed to increase collaboration. We always look for feedback and questions that will help us all to further expand on both qualitative and quantitative knowledge, engagement and improvement in delivering eLearning courses.
We will focus our attention on improving communication once Joomla LMS will be upgraded to meet the new changes made on Joomla 3.0 version. As part of our engagement across the world and the building on eLearning community, eLearning courses will become available on cloud computing and iPads/iPhones.
BITSPEC team wishes you a prosperous Year 2013 and best of wishes to your families!

Past Events: BITSPEC and Ahead Technology have accepted to work on establishing a collaborative partnership relationship.
Current Events: eLearning Lean Six Sigma courses cost reduced by 50% until Dec. 24, 2012

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Life’s Quality, Belief and Lean Six Sigma environment

One belief of Universal Laws shall refer to the quality of life that all livings shall have. We should never accept the concept that quality is only good for some while other livings need to have a lower or no quality during their existence.

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Supervenience and Lean Six Sigma Environment


The meaning of supervenience in Lean Six Sigma environment implies advanced development of knowledge realized through agents of change. Supervenient is used to describe  relationships that are not reductive. As people we will need to reach for a higher level of mental understanding and communication.

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Literacy and Lean Six Sigma


In 21st century new definitions evolve to reach for other dimensions as the world continues to develop to finding new meanings in the Universe. Literacy was known as to refer to those with the ability to read and write. Today's definition reaches another realm and UNESCO's regards 'literacy', in an attempt to recognize the diversity of definitions attributed to the term, as being beyond simply "the set of technical skills of reading, writing and calculating to a plural notion encompassing the manifold of meanings and dimensions of these undeniably vital competencies. Such a view, responding to recent economic, political and social transformations, including globalization, and the advancement of information and communication technologies, recognizes that there are many practices of literacy embedded in different cultural processes, personal circumstances and collective structures".

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Similarities between biological functions and Lean Six Sigma


A function is known in biological systems as something done to a system through causation and evolution. In mathematics, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
If we take as an example nitric oxide (NO) the molecule is known as a regulator and mediator of numerous processes in nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. Because it has a wide variety of functions that extremely important in supporting life it was named the "Molecule of the Year" in 1992.

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People’s role in quality culture within Lean Six Sigma environment


A quality culture requires that mission, vision and leadership are all emerging simultaneously. The public statement provides a legacy that needs to be respected, followed through, and results communicated to all levels as international, national, regional, local. A commitment to quality also implies that the organization is committed to continuous improvement.

A quality culture implies a learning culture in which members are involved, are self-critical regarding their improvements and performances, and they try to answer to the question : “What differences do I make personally?”

Sharing the leadership in a quality organization implies that everybody has responsibilities, but is allowed at the same time to make mistakes while being critical and objective.

In a quality culture the most evident qualities that will help the development of the Lean Six Sigma projects will be active listening, empathy, giving feedback and praise, managing conflict and negotiating.


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Enthymeme and Lean Six Sigma


Most of the issues in Lean Six Sigma come from enthymeme that is a “truncated” syllogism because it comes to a probable conclusion instead of a certain conclusion. Through statistics data can be analyzed and enthymemes as ““Free trade is good” can be eliminated. An enthymeme may also do both: leave out one or more parts of a syllogism and come to a probable conclusion.


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Why developing empathy in the Lean Six Sigma world is important?


There are many people and organizations that promote empathy in the world. The question that I have is why not all people have empathy? Based on research performed that used MRI to track brain changes, people who have a high level of empathy show that certain regions in the brain are activated when exposed to emotions. These include insula, or insular cortex, which is associated with bodily representations of emotions, and the temporoparietal junction, which previous research has shown to be involved in distinguishing between oneself and others, as well as in perceiving the mental and emotional states of others.

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Lean Six Sigma and eLearning 2.0

Based on Google data there are about 40 million pages that contain information regarding Lean and Six Sigma. One of the reasons for creating such an intensive literature is due to performances reported by top companies that implemented this methodology. Another reason is that executives will always try to implement one methodology across the company rather than multiple systems that may not interact and engage with each other.
In our course, we mention that as a combined management approach, Lean Six Sigma amplifies the strengths and minimizes the weaknesses of both approaches when used alone. Because it is being considered a methodology, most people will look for a guideline system for solving a problem with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools. People will also look for systematic studies of the methods that are or can be applied within the discipline, description of methods, analysis of the principles of methods used, its rules and eventual postulates that are employed by Lean Six Sigma as a discipline. Researchers in Lean Six Sigma will also look for research results that can be quantitative and qualitative.
There is not too much information shared across companies because we live in a competitive world therefore each company will try to protect the methodologies employed. What BITSPEC can do through eLearning 2.0, is to increase knowledge base by sharing techniques, practices, learnings, and studies or examples performed by our trainers, consultants, students, participants etc. Aside from FORUM, SOCIAL MEDIA and Blog, we introduced other modules that allow students and practitioners to communicate with each other on similar projects.
By using eLearning 2.0 and Lean Six Sigma we can increase the speed of completing the most sophisticated and complex projects across various and diverse business areas as IT, HR, Operations, Logistics, Transportation, Healthcare, Education, Finance, Government etc. There should be no limitation to innovative processes since the outcome that we all expect is an increase of our quality of life. Each generation has their own approach to learn, but technological web based training advancements made in the last 10-20 years have offered the advantage of reducing repetitive work and shorten the time and cost of training, while students can engage in complex ways with each other through web facilitation.
The Wall module provides our students the opportunity to be known in the world. The module is a responsive web design. As the user switches from notebook to iPad, the website automatically switches to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities. In other words, our Wall responds to the user's preferences.
As eLearning Lean Six Sigma international interests is increasing according to the statistical data that we collected, we will continue to provide future news and information on knowledge management, as well as, the latest BITSPEC's technological and innovative advancements.

Past Events: October 9-12 BITSPEC participated in E-LEARN 2012 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Topic presented: Consulting company that creates eLearning Communities through FORUM, SOCIAL MEDIA, BLOG and eLearning on Learning Management System

Added Features:
Wall Option available for current candidates and Alumni

Future Events: New courses in Lean IT and Change Management will be available during the month of Nov. 2012

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Autodidacticism and Lean Six Sigma

If one of the root causes of stagnation happened in the previous centuries due to lack of accessibility to knowledge, then the only requirement of this 21st century is an increased access to learning and recognition of each individual worthiness.
As people around the globe reach to a higher level of knowledge through self- learning the results are astonishing because it matters when self-learning becomes limitless.

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Change Management in Lean Six Sigma Projects

Change Management as a concept is detailed in technical studies as a systematic shift from the current state to a future state. The current state requires changes when: processes are not properly controlled, people exhibit behaviors that have an overall negative impact on outcome, outdated technologies and equipment that require replacement, changes, upgrading etc.


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Responsive System and Lean Six Sigma


As I was trying to think of a good topic for this week, I realized that one is available to all of us in computer systems named Responsiveness. A responsive web site allows clients to use any type of gadgets, iPhone, iPads etc.

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Why do we think that Lean Six Sigma is important?


During the last three weeks, we asked three different questions as:
• What makes us think that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?
• What makes us say that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?
• What makes us promote Lean Six Sigma approach?

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What makes us promote Lean Six Sigma approach?


There isn’t much talk about consciousness in Lean Six Sigma projects since this subject seems to belong somewhere between religion and philosophy. Currently, science (word originated from Latin: scientia, meaning "knowledge") has been separated from philosophy and religion, but we should not rush to draw conclusions before we read Aristotelian Physics.

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What makes us say that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?


For certain reasons, I liked when Douglas R. Hofstadter in his book "Godel, Escher, Bach" explained that ants have an interesting organization that exchange continuously information from inside to outside. He went further and explained that ants have a similar behaviour with a brain. I discovered the following web site that provides an interesting view on how ants are organized and work:


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What makes us think that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?


There are many people, companies, blogs etc. who are debating over the failure of the Lean Six Sigma projects. The word project comes from the Latin word projectum from the Latin verb proicere, "to throw something forward" which in turn comes from pro-, which denotes something that precedes the action of the next part of the word in time (paralleling the Greek πρό) and iacere, "to throw". The word "project" thus actually originally meant "something that comes before anything else happens". When the English language initially adopted the word, it referred to a plan of something, not to the act of actually carrying this plan out. Something performed in accordance with a project became known as an "object".


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Developing Compassion


Some of my friends have told me that, while love and compassion are marvellous and good, they are not really very relevant. Our world, they say, is not a place where such beliefs have much influence or power. They claim that anger and hatred are so much a part of human nature that humanity will always be dominated by them. I do not agree.

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