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Since variability exists everywhere, engineers, scientists, and everyone else involved in decision-making have to understand statistical thinking.
The Ukraine war and Europe’s deepening march of folly
Europe’s anti-Russian animus: the long and tangled roots of follyThe complicated part of “why” Europe has embraced folly concerns the long and tangled roots of folly, which reach deep into history. That history has seeded institutionalized anti-Russian animus, which now drives Europe’s march of folly.For the last seventy years, Europe has lacked an independent foreign policy vision. Instead, it surrendered itself to US leadership, filling its military and foreign policy establishment with persons holding a US-friendly perspective. That surrender also extended to elite civil society (e.g., thinktanks, elite universities, and mainstream media), and Europe’s military-industrial complex and business leaders also went along as they hoped to supply the US military and gain access to US markets. The net result was
Europe’s foreign policy thinking was hacked
and Europe turned itself into a US foreign policy satrap, a condition which still endures.The lack of foreign policy independence meant Europe willingly supported the US-led post-Cold War eastward expansion of NATO. The US goal was to create a new world order in which the US would be hegemonic and no country could challenge it, as the Soviet Union had done. According to
the masterplan outlined by former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski
, that involved a three-step process. The first step was eastward NATO expansion to include former Warsaw Pact countries. The second step was further NATO expansion to include former Soviet republics. The third step would finish the process by dividing Russia into three states. Europe’s surrender to US leadership also helps explain the parallel rushed eastward expansion of the European Union (EU). Any economic gains from trade could have been readily accessed via free trade agreements, which would also have allowed European business to harvest Eastern and Central Europe’s low-cost labor.
"Fluency is in expressions, humor, nuance and the freedom to learn from mistakes.
Circumstances create informal English instructors that the English as a
Second Language (ESL) industry calls Backpackers. Although the term
was originally coined for travelers, it can apply to volunteers, refugee hosts,
any people with no special teacher training who find themselves in a position
to assist non-native speakers improve their English but with no idea how to
do it. While coaching with no formal training sounds like a brazen, formidable
task, it isn’t. It’s a snap. And having no special education for it is a blessing
in disguise". Judy Thompson
"There is a very modest set of rules for pronouncing words intelligibly, and there are predictable patterns for how words run together in English dialogue. Backpackers and pretty much anyone who can read can effectively assist non-native speakers in acquiring the simple tools they need to independently survive, and then thrive, in English conversation. Regardless
of your education or theirs, to coach learners in successfully speaking English, you’ll need this book and a giant elastic band. No kidding. English can be intimidating. The popular myth is that English is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Fortunately, that’s just a story perpetuated by the education industry to excuse itself from teaching it so badly. In truth,
English is the boiled-down combination of many languages, the process of which rendered English as one of the simplest languages but with the largest vocabulary. Informal teachers shine when they understand the simple patterns of English that are always true and how to harvest what is the same about English and any learner’s first language. Informal teachers
(Backpackers) avoid the way-we-have-always-done-it dogma and focus instead on the unwritten rules of spoken English to give learners a fighting
chance to participate confidently in the English-speaking world as quickly as possible. The system presented here is not about accent reduction, it’s about
intelligibility and effectiveness."- Judy Thompson
You can’t speak English from reading it.
Circumstances create informal English instructors that the English as a
Second Language (ESL) industry calls Backpackers. Although the term was
originally coined for travelers, it can apply to volunteers, refugee hosts, any
people with no special teacher training who find themselves in a position to
assist non-native speakers improve their English but with no idea how to do
it. While coaching with no formal training sounds like a brazen, formidable
task, it isn’t. It’s a snap. And having no special education for it is a blessing
in disguise.
— Judy Thompson
There must be something very wrong in this world when people die in wars because the main culprit leaders don't want to talk to each other.
While Education works on supporting students with OER (open education resources), autocratic leaders impose tariffs on countries they dislike but without any real support for their decisions.
Many children don't fit in a so-called logic education system because they were born with reasoning skills therefore they don't need examples to understand.
Finally, we have developed an AI that is closer to what many humans have known for hundreds of thousands of years:
"Avoid chain-of-thought prompts: Since these models perform reasoning internally, prompting them to "think step by step" or "explain your reasoning" is unnecessary."
Who still remembers those managers, directors, and CEOs or the interviews where HR's were expecting to "reason" in a way they would understand?
Working together is important while acknowledging differences as each country must do the work to develop education, culture, safety, etc.…
If it is to point out one common issue, it is not recognizing ineptitude when it happens, which causes more chaos than order and sustainability.
Business theory vs. applied is as far apart as Earth and Mercury planets.
Education is one of the culprits in providing theory but never applying what they teach.
Productivity increases when humans know how to eliminate the waste but that does not happen when waste is what keeps many people employed.
How can we separate the added value in everyone's work?
Peace would be obviously an added value.
The productivity and quality of programs improve in schools (K12, colleges, and Universities) when professors know how to use GenAI.
Global education monitoring report 2025, regional edition, Central and Eastern Europe the Caucasus and Central Asia: lead for inclusion
If anyone has recently checked how the OpenAI models operate check this page to understand further.……
Many of the current Learning Management Systems use AI therefore the models selected will be paid by the users.
What are the benefits?
Taxpayers will no longer pay for course development since the direct users will pay for it.
The benefits to the users will be that they will learn faster rather than expect the information to be delivered at a slow paste.
Overall benefits: It will help the learners and educators to focus on what they know the best leading to streamlining processes.
We see patterns under a microscope and then we see patterns in nature(s), laws, macro cosmoses, and micro cosmoses yet, we continue to think that changes to ensure safety, quality, and wealth are not possible and the question is why not?
Politicians have convinced us that we can not think and judge, but we must depend on the political apparatus to manage us all.
Many professors require their students to perform tasks that are not relevant when they become repetitive while taking a lot of time to complete.
Learning in this era of EdTech differs from what some did in schools or working environments where they completed a lot of paperwork that nobody was using or looking at.
Efficiency in teaching is achieved through recall and recognition and the most useful practices are quizzes/short essays done in the class/formative tests.
BITSPEC has been recognized by Corporate Vision Magazine and awarded as "Best Management EdTech Firm 2025"
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So, I asked Grok 3 what is the future of Lean Six Sigma and this is its answer: "Lean Six Sigma isn’t going anywhere soon—it’s too entrenched in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics, where efficiency and quality control are non-negotiable."
First, automation and AI are reshaping how Lean Six Sigma gets applied. Tools like robotic process automation (RPA) and machine learning can handle data analysis and process monitoring faster than any Black Belt could. Imagine AI spotting defects in real-time on a production line or predicting process bottlenecks before they happen—Six Sigma’s statistical backbone gets a turbo boost from that. Lean’s waste-cutting philosophy also pairs naturally with AI-driven optimization, trimming fat from workflows humans might overlook. Second, the rise of digital transformation is pushing Lean Six Sigma beyond its factory-floor roots. It’s showing up in software development (think DevOps with a Lean twist) and service industries, where customer experience is the new quality metric. Organizations are blending it with Agile methodologies.
Education will be among the first to develop teaching and learning based on AI and ML because feedback and reflections are available. Teachers and professors can make adjustments in real-time, and it becomes a true learning experience based on individuals and class.