How deep is the #socialJustice in the #God world vs. how #human #species understand it? What happens when humans do not understand what #justice is?

It is when we no longer distinguish between the justices made by humans. #researchJustice

#AI went way ahead with software development helping students to plagiarize as all the #spiners will update slightly the wording. #educationEthics #educationIntegrity If we are to decide whether a student will plagiarize in the future, now is the best time to make that separation.

"education works best for all people—from individual students to society at large—when it is rooted in the free decisions of those to be educated and those who educate"…
Therefore the expansion will be to build schools everywhere rather than move people around the world. The new approach to individual freedom.

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#educationsystem when properly designed supports learners to think, learn, be honest, transparent, etc. The question is why it does not happen worldwide. #socialEducation

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Are #politicians keeping up with advanced technology, the human genome, interactions between populations, etc? If they do not, then the question is what is their purpose?

Dorina Grossu When politicians are the leaders without any formal education in science, technology, mathematics, etc. yet they get to approve or disapprove how... Show more 2 weeks ago

" large-scale resequencing projects have revealed genomic variation across human populations. Our #reanalyses.. datasets have already shown the advantages of T2T-CHM13" "However, these studies give only a glimpse of the extensive structural variation that lies within the most repetitive regions of the genome assembled" #reanalyze

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Engineers who know how to build "Though the Romans had high-quality cement they often built mortarless bridges. The quality of most if not all their work was very high, which is why mortar was not needed. In the cases where mortar was used, the stones were precisely cut to allow a very thin layer of mortar. Roman cement mixes tend to become stronger with age" #qualityBuild

The latest results in France and the UK should engage more students to learn #statistics
Here is a good example to start!…

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The #consequences of #lacking #creativity are easily observed everywhere from #buildings, #art, #manufacturing, #processes, #infrastructures, #populations, etc. Creative thinking #generates positive solutions rather than what we experience today.

#Creativethinking in #education requires the most advanced tools including #AI, #VisualTools, and the professors who know how to use these tools. By not knowing both, #education is not helping students improve.

"For the first time, the Programme on International Student Assessment (PISA) has measured the creative thinking
skills of 15-year-old students, assessing their ability to engage productively in the generation, evaluation and
improvement of ideas. As we navigate the complex environmental, social and economic changes of the 21st century,
it is crucial for students to be innovative, enterprising and to use critical and creative thinking purposefully"
Today, workers are expected to contribute to change, to continually seek ways to leverage new technologies and
adapt working methods to remain competitive. As digitalisation and artificial intelligence advance, the premium on
innovation, creativity and critical thinking increases compared to routine skills, which are more susceptible to
Yet creative thinking isn’t only about remaining competitive in the job market. It also acts as a powerful stimulus to
learning itself, deepening students’ absorption in their learning, activating higher-order cognitive skills and stimulating
emotional development and resilience and well-being."

PISA 2022 Report

OECD (2024), PISA 2022 Results (Volume III): Creative Minds, Creative Schools, PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris,


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Any being has direct ancestors with lineages correlated to the future. The environment is a contributing factor but never the determinant. A high or low level is directly dependent on its origins therefore differences will always exist.   ...