Why quality is so important in all areas of our lives?…

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#politics do not work because # politicians have never understood the #scientific #principles of #chemistry, #biology, #math, #physics, and #statistics. We need #educated people who can decide what a #government can or can not do. #freedomIsNotToBeGivenAwayCanada

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So many have #visions to develop but the #results are #inferior. So, the #model does not fit the #data therefore what do we need to #change the model or the data? #learnStatistics

Dorina Grossu created a new topic ' Future work' in the forum. 2 weeks ago


When #health will really be considered by #politicians "The first constant is that the health of individuals and populations depends on much more than health care. What makes a person or a community healthy? Health depends on factors such as income and education, whether we grew up in a safe and nurturing environment, whether we are employed and the genes
that we inherited from our parents."…

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In a competency-based education, the professors are the subject matter experts which implies they worked in the area they teach. Self-paced education therefore is more difficult to achieve while keeping the costs low. #competencyEducation #selfpacedEducation

"Galton termed this phenomenon a regression towards mediocrity, which in modern terms is a regression to the mean. To a naïve observer, this might suggest that later generations are going to exhibit less variability--literally more mediocrity--than earlier ones, but that is not the case. It is a purely statistical phenomenon. Unless every child is exactly as the same size as the parent in relative terms (i.e., unless the correlation is exactly equal to 1), the predictions must regress to the mean regardless of biology if the mean squared error is to be minimized".

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28Toolkit for AI Readiness and Capacity Assessment
Artificial Intelligence for Inclusive Sustainable Development and Inequalities Reduction
AI-Enabling Infrastructure (Technical
and Infrastructural Dimensions)
Without the relevant infrastructures, the development and deployment of AI-
based solutions cannot be scaled up throughout countries.
Therefore, this dimension refers to the level of ICT and technical infrastructure
in place, including the extent of Internet access and connectivity, the availability
of datacenters, cloud computing capabilities, and supercomputers, among
others. Given the critical importance of data for AI technologies, another aspect
within this dimension relates to the availability of high-quality data and practices
(UNESCO, 2023b).
Infrastructure and Connectivity
Internet access for all is a key component to ensure fairness and non-
discrimination in the development, deployment, and use of AI. It is critical to
tackle digital divides and ensure inclusive access to and participation in the
development of AI, promoting “equity between rural and urban areas, and
among all persons regardless of race, colour, descent, gender, age, language,
religion, political opinion, national origin, ethnic origin, social origin, economic
or social condition of birth, or disability and any other grounds, in terms of
access to and participation in the AI system life cycle” (UNESCO, 2022, p.20).
Toolkit for Artificial Intelligence Readiness and Capacity Assessment


This is an example where #LeanSixSigma methodology together with #Minitab and #Statistics can be used in #QualityControl, #Research&Development, #ContinuousImprovement, #Engineering, #DataScientists

This is an example where #LeanSixSigma methodology together with #Minitab and #Statistics can be used in #QualityControl, #Research&Development, #ContinuousImprovement, #Engineering, #DataScientists
Dorina Grossu What a #student can not do although is to learn only a software without #understanding #statistics and #data! 2 months ago

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As we approach a key date in mankind's history, we hope for peace everywhere. #peace

#TruthAndReconciliation is a must. Yet, how does Canada ensure that #truth will not be altered by those who do not understand it because many treaties with the Native population were made over centuries and as many were broken? #TrustTruthReconcilingCanada Many populations within Canada have no history knowledge and lack the understanding #educationHistoryCanada

#TruthAndReconciliation is a must. Yet, how does Canada ensure that #truth will not be altered by those who do not understand it because many treaties with the Native population were made over centuries and as many were broken? #TrustTruthReconcilingCanada Many populations within Canada have no history knowledge and lack the understanding #educationHistoryCanada