Hope in Universal Knowledge of free aspirations (Lesson 2, Article 3)

Hope in Universal Knowledge of free aspirations (Lesson 2, Article 3)


As many of us will celebrate Christmas as a time of peace and understanding of each other, new hopes will shape the future, and new symbols will warm our hearts as Lisa Hayward did it through a representation of an imaginary character. Through times, we came to share our knowledge in the world of Astrophysics and Astrobiology, by trying to find new meanings and understandings of who we are and where are we coming from. There are chances that life or different forms of life exist on other planets located in other galaxies and dreams help us to aspire to new horizons and new beginnings. It is the hope and balance of our Universe that holds us together through billions of years. If there is anywhere we should see our futures will be into stars that shine and light that has travelled so much to reach us, here on Earth. We are all fortunate to live together on this planet and the best that we can all do is to respect and cherish each and every moment that we get to know and help each other.

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Hope in “The Old Man and the Sea” (Lesson 2 Article 2)


“It is silly not to hope, besides I believe it is a sin." The Old Man and the Sea” by E. Hemingway

Hope can be seen in the eyes of each and every living being ,the connection to life and the surroundings which are reflected also, in the incommensurable love that exists within and outside us. As we are born with the innate quality of hope for the future, that image is being transferred from the brain and reflected into our eyes. Hemingway’s novella is one of the most appropriate books as it sets the stage for personal achievement that cannot be taken away because it is something that each one of us can only find individually.

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Hope as Natural Balance (Lesson 2 Article 1)

Hope as Natural Balance (Lesson 2 Article 1)


Native American culture is rich in symbolic representations and belief of our connectivity to Mother Nature. Hope is symbolized by an outside circle represented by the eight pointed star enclosed in a circle and containing a circle. Native American Indians referred to the Hope symbol as Star Knowledge which included the ability to mark events to come based on celestial alignments, providing hope for the future.

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Safety (Lesson 1 Article 3) Timeless impact on Mind

Safety (Lesson 1 Article 3) Timeless impact on Mind
(51) Architecture is the result of our mind representation and timeless perception. When our ancestors have started to build, they have expressed their mind and soul which was mainly to bring happiness to Gods or other divinities. Their architectural trend was transcendental and less oriented towards people. The idea that our existence has a limited time while space provides us with unlimited potentials has been a characteristic of most cultures. What we really fail to do is recognizing that our human potential is unlimited therefore we need to design by considering timeless mind. If we will design the mind as a safe sanctuary, the entire world will become a safe place for everybody and everything. It implies that we need to make changes to all current codes and to redesign them as safe places to live in. The preservation of the old needs to be assessed from a durability, beauty and accessibility perspective. Although pragmatism characterizes the century we live in, somewhere back in time we know that our origins were the result of beauty, serenity, love and peace.
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Safety (Lesson 1 Article 2 Criteria for Designing)

Safety (Lesson 1 Article 2 Criteria for Designing)

(50) “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 1989, p. 9

Some years ago, I read the Stephen Covey book and his view of the person needs for setting proper achievements and goals.

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Safety (Lesson 1 Article 1 Prevention)

Safety (Lesson 1 Article 1 Prevention)


Any Safety measures that worldwide leaders take are proofs of how much care they have for people’s life. The causes of accidents are multiple, but in general when the life has little value, and people are reluctant to respect the rules, there is an underlying aspect of how societies react to daily news. In 2010 there were 1.24 million people who were killed in road accidents in 88 countries. In case of road accidents, the Governments carry direct responsibility to issue, implement and control the proper policies and rules to prevent those accidents.

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Law of Entropy and Order Production Business as the Fifth Lesson (last) in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Law of Entropy and Order Production Business as the Fifth Lesson (last) in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Critical threshold derived from the percolation theory, sums up to critical mass. Under the threshold, the phenomenon tends to abort, above the threshold, it tends to grow exponentially. In cases where the phenomenon is not sudden and takes time to operate, in the form of a transition phase or phase transition, we refer to a critical phase more than a critical point that would mark a clear threshold. In most of the companies because the critical phase can take longer until the critical breakpoint is being reached, many would not realize how close are they approaching a positive instead of a negative entropy. [1]

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Neuroeducation as the Fourth Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Neuroeducation as the Fourth Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment


We know that brain is plastic and our world changes and evolves as a result of our brain and mind. Our contemporary view of acquiring knowledge changes once the brain makes new synapses that lead to further changes. What we might not be able to comprehend at this time is that regardless of the type of work that companies or organizations perform, the people who are in contact with their educators, teachers and trainers, and follow on the latest technological advancements, will be able to further improve their mental capabilities. It is known that teachers who understand that the brain’s emotional wiring connects with the prefrontal cortex need to provide their students with a positive emotional connection to learning.

Neuroeducation is the “human science” and while it seems that between educators and neurologist there are many topics that need further resolution, we also know that each person has innate characteristics that will thrive in positive environments. [1],[2],]3]

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Culture changes as the Third Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Culture changes as the Third Lesson in a  Lean Six Sigma environment


Several centuries ago, humanity believed that the Earth was flat and the entire Universe was rotating around us [1][2]. Although an interesting concept since people have always wanted to know how the Universe evolved, there is a direct link between the brain development and our worldly evolution. As the brain is self-organizing based on the individual experiences, the need for changes happened at the individual level. If people at that time did not have the knowledge to develop the tools that would have helped them to determine the Earth location and position, “the brain” have developed and forced people to move the system upwards towards new discoveries. The belief that human beings are at the center of their own discoveries can be found in how cultures have been developed through centuries. Culture as defined by a set of integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations, have required major shifts in time to be able to pursue their own discoveries.

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Hope from Pandora’s jar is the Second Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Long time ago, a scholar named Erasmus, who lived in Holland, translated from Hesiod’s work the story of Pandora’s jar. Shortly, Zeus gave a jar to Pandora and asked her never to open it, but he knew that she will open it because of her curiosity and persuasive nature. Pandora was Zeus’s creation therefore he knew what her actions will be. At that time the man lived in a world without worries just that by opening the jar, the diseases and dreadful things have started to happen. [1],[2],[3],[4]

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Safety is the First Orientation Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Providing a safety environment in companies implies that management team cares about people. Companies where employees or customers' safety are not on the top of the management agenda will never be able to implement a Lean Six Sigma methodology because they had missed the first Law of Humans which is to care for each other's well-being.

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The importance of high income levels in a Lean Six Sigma environment and how much freedom exists in the world?

The importance of high income levels in a Lean Six Sigma environment and how much freedom exists in the world?


The total number of the population that earns more than $34,000 per year is only 1% in the entire world. In the world there are 36 indebt countries that represent 17% from the total number of countries or 31.68% (2011) of the total population. [1], [2]

There is not need to go further since the high discrepancy levels that exist among income provides a clear image of the level of chaos that exists in the world. We do see a constant and consistent increment of poverty since 1960 which leads me to believe that there are no actions taken or the actions that have been taken are not positive since the poverty levels continue to rise.

When there is a normal distribution of wealth, the control is better managed through policies that can be issued by IMF and World Bank which would then ensure that people will achieve both personal and economic freedom. What do we miss that cannot be controlled to reduce these large discrepancies that exist between countries and within each country? If we consider that each human being has the same right to live a fulfilling life, then what holds us back and why we cannot not pursue our dreams?

As a direct consequence of lacking the economic freedom, the quality of life decreases while unemployment levels are significantly increasing leading to political and social unrest. Obviously, it is at the individual level where the transformation needs to start.[4],[5]

Knowing that the modern concept of liberty originated in Greece “to be free, to the Greeks, was to not have a master, to be independent from a master (to live like one likes)” would imply that everybody can become a master and learn how to fight for freedom [3].

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavily_Indebted_Poor_Countries [1]

http://www.indexmundi.com/facts/heavily-indebted-poor-countries-%28hipc%29/urban-population [2]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty [3]

http://www.ophi.org.uk/multidimensional-poverty-index/mpi-data-bank/mapping-the-mpi/ [4]

http://www.ophi.org.uk/multidimensional-poverty-index/mpi-methodology [5]

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Balance cards in a Lean Six Sigma environment correlated to their impact on beings

Balance cards in a Lean Six Sigma environment correlated to their impact on beings


There is a difference between logic as valid reasoning and numbers generated by the business world. How can any executive who works with companies that make either pesticides or guns or anything that is being used for destruction of life, to submit the balance card report of their company? If the balance card presents the positive results based on quantity produced, cost savings, without any report to show the impact that the product/service had on other beings, the report is inconclusive and false.

If a company produces more guns or ammunition it implies that living beings will disappear. Similarly, more powerful and concentrated pesticides used, will destroy more bees and insects while harming animals and people.


If the number of current cell phones made will be increased, as a direct consequence there will be more people who work in abdominal conditions in Congo unless advanced technology will not be introduced together with education.


In a world where there is no control of the effects that our actions have on other (human) beings, we are not respecting one of the finest principles of our existence which is the free will. In a world where there are no relevant numbers communicated to people to understand the meaning of financial numbers and the impact that numbers will have on other populations, we are misleading the entire scope of creating a Lean Six Sigma environment in which we all coexist.


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What is the importance of prevention in a Lean Six Sigma environment?


In organizations, there are meetings where the future products or services are discussed in details. There are tools applied and future plans made to enable a quite solid structure of the prevention plans to be developed for the future of the company. Its future depends on how well the risks are assessed and how well the prevention plan will be developed.

What happens in countries and at global level? Do we have examples on how the entire mitigation process works to help and prevent any future internal and external wars? Do we have meetings at the international level that call for peace makers and conflict resolutions to work on differences that are democratically shared among all parties? UHNCHR as an organization works to raise funds to support people who have been dislocated due to war or natural disasters. But the questions is why do we need to have wars to resolve human conflicts? Can we not prevent wars and in similar ways prevent conflicts? We already know how the democratic process works for conflict prevention. Can we not take the similar approach in global level?


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Role of virtual teachers and mentors in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Role of virtual teachers and mentors in a Lean Six Sigma environment

A dialogue from Plato's book of Collected Dialogues introduces us to the role of teachers in transferring knowledge to its pupils.
Socrates: Let me explain. If someone knows the way to Larissa, or anywhere else you like, then when he goes there and takes others with him he will be a good and capable guide, you would agree?
Meno: Yes, he will

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Can we ever learn without doing projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment?

Since we have knowledge about human existence, everything was done under assumption that implied and expected positive outcomes will be obtained as a result of our actions. Whether we built houses, designed airplanes or developed new ways to cook the food to better feed ourselves, everything has been done by involving critical thinking, emotional and social awareness.
As we try to further self-develop our mind by reaching to an entire world that exists, and in an effort to create trusting relationships among all human beings, the projects will need to be developed by considering that emotional maturity leading to quality can happen when all parties have equal accesses and same rights to knowledge.
As intuition represents one of the interim stages, we will need to come together to common knowledge and belief that projects can be done together regardless of space location, religion, culture etc.


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Competency levels in a heuristic Lean Six Sigma environment and its connection to intuition

Competency levels in a heuristic Lean Six Sigma environment and its connection to intuition


Heuristic is to know or discover based on experience by using aid which helps to reduce time for solving problems. Lean Six Sigma has a variety of tools that provide an easy way to solve issues that can happen simultaneously or independently at different levels in companies and organizations who are ready to move towards quality and excellence. Generally, Lean Six Sigma will establish rules to control systems that exist within a company and will teach people on how to determine those rules based on knowledge previously gained or in best situations will try to teach by using examples and develop the new behavioral patterns.

While logic and calculations are developed preponderantly in left brain what we need to understand is that in fact the right brain offers intuition and creativity to develop the left brain therefore organizations should have a balanced proportion of both competencies. Also, people should be encouraged to develop their personalities based on the holistic approaches and considering the impact that their decisions will have across the world.


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The importance of ethical principles applied to building technology in a Lean Six Sigma environment

The importance of ethical principles applied to building technology in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Technology has been developed during the last years, but its exponentially deployment was only possible in countries where people had the emotional maturity to work and support their Governments. Without a proper organizational framework that encourages innovation and discovery, the technology would not have been developed or would not have reached its current levels. The environment in which the technology has been developed was the one that required both democratic and ethical principles but it has started from Government levels that was required to issue laws and policies to ensure that ethical principles were respected.

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Continuous Improvement projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment and connection to bacteria in human body

Continuous Improvement projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment and connection to bacteria in human body

Human bodies contain bacteria that are representing between 1-3% of the body mass and their role is to maintain us healthy. Each bacteria have a role within the area where it resides and they are everywhere in the gut, skin, stomach, conjunctiva etc. Both bacteria make-up and their abundance varies from one human body to another. Although we are just getting to understand their wider role in our health, it is obvious that research makes progress to understand the types and varieties as well as roles and how can we control properly their proportion within each human body.

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“Doctor’s” role in a Lean Six Sigma environment

“Doctor’s” role in a Lean Six Sigma environment


I went to see my family doctor for an annual check-up and his first question was :”Are you on any medication?”. My answer was “No, I am not, but should I be?” If we consider that majority of businesses maintain a status quo by taking pills, the question is when will they make a change? Will they ever be ready to move from the pill based mentality to the healthy thinking mentality?

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