Savvy knowledge leaders in Lean Six Sigma environment


Savvy leaders disperse knowledge because they understand that controlling knowledge diminishes value, while releasing the knowledge creates value. The questions is why don't we see in companies, organizations and countries in general a wider dispersion of knowledge.

Considering the following steps in an organization or corporation; employees must be able to acquire knowledge through learning, transfer that knowledge from his/her head into an information system, apply then the knowledge from the information system into an actionable event, manage the knowledge that implies to execute with focus, timing and precision, and then secure the knowledge like to keep it from “evaporating”.

Based on the above sequence the first step is access to learning that can be done by a company or an individual who considers that changes are required. The next step involves the use of technology which in many cases can be achieved through eLearning. The third and fourth steps are the most difficult because actions need to happen simultaneously while managing them timely with focus, engagement and precision. If we compare the above steps with a Lean Six Sigma environment they would pertain to Analyze and Improve phases. Securing knowledge involves control and a proper system that while dispersing information still allow flexibility for implementing and proposing changes. All companies and organizations can reach the highest level of knowledge since we have a process map that can be implemented.

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eLearning Lean Six Sigma Community

BITSPEC had an amazing year in 2012 since we were able to build the IT Infrastructure on eLearning and Learning Management System, received accreditation as an Accredited Training Organization from PeopleCert and IASSC Lean Six Sigma, and started to have clients from across the world. Our success is based on work, an excellent team of professionals who communicate with each other although we reside on two continents and three different countries.
Since our last Newsletter on Oct. 15, 2012, BITSPEC had 920 new visitors and 5483 viewed pages. There were visitors from 48 countries who clicked on the web site. It is impressive how transparent and easy to use the technology became during the last years, and how can we all come together to communicate with each other on the common IT platform. Our intend is to engage more the students who take our eLearning Lean Six Sigma courses to share from their experiences. Because students are from different backgrounds, countries and industries our efforts are deemed to increase collaboration. We always look for feedback and questions that will help us all to further expand on both qualitative and quantitative knowledge, engagement and improvement in delivering eLearning courses.
We will focus our attention on improving communication once Joomla LMS will be upgraded to meet the new changes made on Joomla 3.0 version. As part of our engagement across the world and the building on eLearning community, eLearning courses will become available on cloud computing and iPads/iPhones.
BITSPEC team wishes you a prosperous Year 2013 and best of wishes to your families!

Past Events: BITSPEC and Ahead Technology have accepted to work on establishing a collaborative partnership relationship.
Current Events: eLearning Lean Six Sigma courses cost reduced by 50% until Dec. 24, 2012

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