What is the importance of prevention in a Lean Six Sigma environment?


In organizations, there are meetings where the future products or services are discussed in details. There are tools applied and future plans made to enable a quite solid structure of the prevention plans to be developed for the future of the company. Its future depends on how well the risks are assessed and how well the prevention plan will be developed.

What happens in countries and at global level? Do we have examples on how the entire mitigation process works to help and prevent any future internal and external wars? Do we have meetings at the international level that call for peace makers and conflict resolutions to work on differences that are democratically shared among all parties? UHNCHR as an organization works to raise funds to support people who have been dislocated due to war or natural disasters. But the questions is why do we need to have wars to resolve human conflicts? Can we not prevent wars and in similar ways prevent conflicts? We already know how the democratic process works for conflict prevention. Can we not take the similar approach in global level?


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“Doctor’s” role in a Lean Six Sigma environment

“Doctor’s” role in a Lean Six Sigma environment


I went to see my family doctor for an annual check-up and his first question was :”Are you on any medication?”. My answer was “No, I am not, but should I be?” If we consider that majority of businesses maintain a status quo by taking pills, the question is when will they make a change? Will they ever be ready to move from the pill based mentality to the healthy thinking mentality?

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The concept of Bernoulli’s fluid flow applied in a Lean Six Sigma environment


An inviscid flow is the flow of an ideal fluid assumed to have no viscosity. The flow of fluids with low values of viscosity can not be applied close to the fluid boundary where the boundary layers have a significant role. If we consider the boundary layers as the Lean Six Sigma areas where the diverse functions meet, we can determine that only low turbulence is beneficial in creating an appropriate and controlled flow since speed will increase once the pressure decreases or the fluid potential energy decreases. Bernoulli's principle states also that if a small volume of fluid is flowing horizontally from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure, then there is more pressure behind than in the front.

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Defining order parameters in Lean Six Sigma environment

Thermodynamic laws applied in science are part of the universal laws that govern our Universe therefore interconnectivity, chaos and order, degrees of cooperation and collaboration that we see in companies are part of the natural phenomena and its manifestation.
In the companies we refer to customer complaints, internal insatisfaction, budget deficits etc. while in science we refer to critical points beyond which we will see major changes. The flaws in the model organization do not lie in the structural implications, but rather are due to their mean-field approximations and their neglect of large fluctuations near critical points.

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Dynamical system map in Lean Six Sigma

There are quite a few books where we can find terms used in Lean Six Sigma methodology. The topic is not whether we use the same technical terms since Lean Six Sigma uses knowledge of statistics, mathematics, project management, psychology, and business operations, but rather on developing new maps for Lean Six Sigma.
The map that I will refer is the map of the theory of dynamical systems, which is a map that denotes an evolutionary function used to create discrete dynamical systems. Any dynamic system has a chaotic behavior and is a generator of fractals. In evolution systems we have an evolution in time of a system.

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Elements of collaboration, cooperation and intellectual giftedness in eLearning Lean Six Sigma environment


Lean Six Sigma promotes learning, mentoring and coaching for sharing knowledge, solve challenges, and increase quality levels across companies and the world. Since one of the main components is the personal aptitude for learning and continuing education, we need to emphasize on the importance of both collaboration and cooperation in an eLearning environment while considering the intellectual giftedness. One main driver in several training organizations and educational organizations have been the offering of training and certification in classes that emphasized on the cost component rather than on the collaboration, cooperation and intellectual capabilities that can be enriched only through eLearning.

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Natural Laws in Economics, Principia and Lean Six Sigma


Isaac Newton in his third book the Pricipia the "System of the world", describes the four rules of reasoning and demonstrates that the principle of gravity is in agreement with the phenomena. Newton does not assign a cause, and concludes that "to us it is enough that gravity exists". Newton's demonstration was based on induction. Adam Smith took the concept of nature as a law bound system of the matter in motion and in his model he represented society as a collection of individuals pursuing their self-interest in an economic order governed by the laws of supply and demand.

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Frontal cortex and Lean Six Sigma environment


The primary role of the frontal cortex is to direct and coordinate the functioning of other parts of the brain, both through a process of conscious thought and decision making by drawing on other neural resources on a subconscious level. This involves receiving input from the body's senses and processing that input to highlight the most important piece of information. The frontal cortex is responsible for the brain's ability to create long-term plans, govern emotions, creative and original thinking.

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eLearning Lean Six Sigma Community

BITSPEC had an amazing year in 2012 since we were able to build the IT Infrastructure on eLearning and Learning Management System, received accreditation as an Accredited Training Organization from PeopleCert and IASSC Lean Six Sigma, and started to have clients from across the world. Our success is based on work, an excellent team of professionals who communicate with each other although we reside on two continents and three different countries.
Since our last Newsletter on Oct. 15, 2012, BITSPEC had 920 new visitors and 5483 viewed pages. There were visitors from 48 countries who clicked on the web site. It is impressive how transparent and easy to use the technology became during the last years, and how can we all come together to communicate with each other on the common IT platform. Our intend is to engage more the students who take our eLearning Lean Six Sigma courses to share from their experiences. Because students are from different backgrounds, countries and industries our efforts are deemed to increase collaboration. We always look for feedback and questions that will help us all to further expand on both qualitative and quantitative knowledge, engagement and improvement in delivering eLearning courses.
We will focus our attention on improving communication once Joomla LMS will be upgraded to meet the new changes made on Joomla 3.0 version. As part of our engagement across the world and the building on eLearning community, eLearning courses will become available on cloud computing and iPads/iPhones.
BITSPEC team wishes you a prosperous Year 2013 and best of wishes to your families!

Past Events: BITSPEC and Ahead Technology have accepted to work on establishing a collaborative partnership relationship.
Current Events: eLearning Lean Six Sigma courses cost reduced by 50% until Dec. 24, 2012

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Literacy and Lean Six Sigma


In 21st century new definitions evolve to reach for other dimensions as the world continues to develop to finding new meanings in the Universe. Literacy was known as to refer to those with the ability to read and write. Today's definition reaches another realm and UNESCO's regards 'literacy', in an attempt to recognize the diversity of definitions attributed to the term, as being beyond simply "the set of technical skills of reading, writing and calculating to a plural notion encompassing the manifold of meanings and dimensions of these undeniably vital competencies. Such a view, responding to recent economic, political and social transformations, including globalization, and the advancement of information and communication technologies, recognizes that there are many practices of literacy embedded in different cultural processes, personal circumstances and collective structures".


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Similarities between biological functions and Lean Six Sigma


A function is known in biological systems as something done to a system through causation and evolution. In mathematics, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
If we take as an example nitric oxide (NO) the molecule is known as a regulator and mediator of numerous processes in nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. Because it has a wide variety of functions that extremely important in supporting life it was named the "Molecule of the Year" in 1992.


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Enthymeme and Lean Six Sigma


Most of the issues in Lean Six Sigma come from enthymeme that is a “truncated” syllogism because it comes to a probable conclusion instead of a certain conclusion. Through statistics data can be analyzed and enthymemes as ““Free trade is good” can be eliminated. An enthymeme may also do both: leave out one or more parts of a syllogism and come to a probable conclusion.




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Why developing empathy in the Lean Six Sigma world is important?


There are many people and organizations that promote empathy in the world. The question that I have is why not all people have empathy? Based on research performed that used MRI to track brain changes, people who have a high level of empathy show that certain regions in the brain are activated when exposed to emotions. These include insula, or insular cortex, which is associated with bodily representations of emotions, and the temporoparietal junction, which previous research has shown to be involved in distinguishing between oneself and others, as well as in perceiving the mental and emotional states of others.



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Responsive System and Lean Six Sigma


As I was trying to think of a good topic for this week, I realized that one is available to all of us in computer systems named Responsiveness. A responsive web site allows clients to use any type of gadgets, iPhone, iPads etc.

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Why do we think that Lean Six Sigma is important?


During the last three weeks, we asked three different questions as:
• What makes us think that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?
• What makes us say that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?
• What makes us promote Lean Six Sigma approach?

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