Safety is the First Orientation Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Providing a safety environment in companies implies that management team cares about people. Companies where employees or customers' safety are not on the top of the management agenda will never be able to implement a Lean Six Sigma methodology because they had missed the first Law of Humans which is to care for each other's well-being.

The short movie is a presentation on how the training is performed in an Adventure Park where people came to spend some time with their families, enjoy the scenery while experiencing different Treetop Trekking paths. During the first orientation lesson, the coach shows how to connect the cables and demonstrates the steps that need to be taken by example. By providing a demonstration to the team, each individual has an opportunity to ask questions. When team members ask questions, the opportunities for dialogues occur that lead to future engagement in project settings. While the dialogue is important because it establishes communication between members, there is also an opportunity for coach or trainer to make changes to processes for further improvement. It is only through repetition, education and training that safety can be ensured in any company. The state of a quality environment provides the insurance that there will be a life continuation while everybody takes responsibility to contribute to the well-being state.
Although both prevention and safety are correlated, it is too often that none of them are highly ranked on companies scorecards. Just the last tragedies in the world came as a result of not enough training and risk assessment performed from a safety perspective by companies. There are several articles about how risk should be performed and behavioral changes that people should make to reduce the opportunities for failure. The problems are that within companies blaming is assigned from the top to the levels below since no executive is assuming one of the main critical condition which is safety. While personal responsibility works in companies where management is also being responsible, what we are experiencing through these large scale "accidents" are companies that do not do enough to prevent accidents from happening.

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