The importance of high income levels in a Lean Six Sigma environment and how much freedom exists in the world?

The importance of high income levels in a Lean Six Sigma environment and how much freedom exists in the world?


The total number of the population that earns more than $34,000 per year is only 1% in the entire world. In the world there are 36 indebt countries that represent 17% from the total number of countries or 31.68% (2011) of the total population. [1], [2]

There is not need to go further since the high discrepancy levels that exist among income provides a clear image of the level of chaos that exists in the world. We do see a constant and consistent increment of poverty since 1960 which leads me to believe that there are no actions taken or the actions that have been taken are not positive since the poverty levels continue to rise.

When there is a normal distribution of wealth, the control is better managed through policies that can be issued by IMF and World Bank which would then ensure that people will achieve both personal and economic freedom. What do we miss that cannot be controlled to reduce these large discrepancies that exist between countries and within each country? If we consider that each human being has the same right to live a fulfilling life, then what holds us back and why we cannot not pursue our dreams?

As a direct consequence of lacking the economic freedom, the quality of life decreases while unemployment levels are significantly increasing leading to political and social unrest. Obviously, it is at the individual level where the transformation needs to start.[4],[5]

Knowing that the modern concept of liberty originated in Greece “to be free, to the Greeks, was to not have a master, to be independent from a master (to live like one likes)” would imply that everybody can become a master and learn how to fight for freedom [3]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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