Aspects about learning and art

First the Story:

I recently discovered that the word Momotaro means “Peach Boy” and has a beautiful story according to the present form of the tale (dating to the Edo period), Momotarō came to Earth inside a giant peach, which was found floating down a river by an old, childless woman who was washing clothes there. The woman and her husband discovered the child when they tried to open the peach to eat it. The child explained that he had been sent by Heaven to be their son. The couple named him Momotarō, from momo (peach) and tarō (eldest son in the family). [1]

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  3307 Hits

Drug pain seeker


Anyone who has worked in an organization most likely experienced some sort of “pain”. In the medical world, whenever an organ fails, we try to treat it either by using drugs or even surgery. If we are lucky, we can get well soon enough before any other organs become affected or fail to perform. Our bodies are a perfect example on how nature showed its excellency and quality. With the large opportunities of body failures, we can also encounter more challenges when the root causes are not diagnosed and identified properly.

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  3128 Hits

When transformations really happen?

I think that you like to read just about everything that is easily available “under the sun” therefore you may ask yourself questions regarding the transformation concept that we keep hearing just about everywhere.

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  3443 Hits

Swimming as a way of life

When I talk about learning and achieving, I often use examples related to children’s life because they represent our future. Today, I am inspired by competitive swimmers. If you have a child involved in competitive swimming, you also have a chart that monitors their performances.

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  3092 Hits

I cannot write when I am angry….

My feel of anger when watching the tragic events that happened in Paris, France when Charlie and his team were killed, have changed back to balanced and critical thinking. Since there are major changes required from a Change Management system approach, we should start to work on positive plans. Companies, organizations including Governments spent billions of dollars on programs in education that are meant to transform people and yet all these programs have failed.

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  3079 Hits

Gaming theory at society level and companies evolution

If we consider that over 90% of the entire globe is in some sort of the game play, what are the chances to foresee what will happen in the future? Let’s see the few criteria that differentiate the cooperative versus uncooperative gaming theories.

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  7809 Hits

Resilience born from love

Resilience born from love

Surprisingly, literature provides us with enough examples on assessing the cultural differences about the main characters behavior when confronted and in similar situations. The situations can be either real or imaginary, but it is interesting from a cultural change perspective, how writers and arts described in general the events.

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  3587 Hits

Not everything important can be measured or described

Not everything important can be measured or described

“All things come into being by conflict of opposites, and the sum of things (τὰ ὅλα ta hola, "the whole") flows like a stream.” …and “I am a citizen of the world (cosmopolites)". [1]

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  7265 Hits

The spectrum of thinking

The spectrum of thinking

Looking for the word “spectrum” in Wikipedia, I came across the “spectral evidence’s” definition, a form of evidence based upon dreams and visions. This article is not about witches, but rather about the spectrum of thinking although I will use this example to proof my point that in time all systems move towards positive understanding because there is collaboration across all systems.

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  3498 Hits

Increasing brain capacity

Increasing brain capacity

“Gaining these knowledge is beyond our human comprehension because we would not know what to do with the knowledge”….”Lucy” is exposed to a powerful synthetic drug that makes her brain to grow exponentially leading her cells to connect to the entire system that goes beyond human mind.

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  3191 Hits

"Art is never finished, only abandoned" Leonardo Da Vinci

"Art is never finished, only abandoned" Leonardo Da Vinci

The art of completion is the art of quality and while sometimes might seems that we abandon the quality, there is only a temporary interruption. As we all know, the genetic code was cracked since 1927, but it took us until 2003 to sequence 99.99 % of the genome code. [1] [2]

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  4788 Hits

Enzyme’s quintessence

Enzyme’s quintessence

I could not resist the temptation to write some thoughts about a parallel that came to my mind when reading about enzymes. Enzyme has two characteristics that are specifically as binding to the ligands called substrates which are able to covalently modify them, and the second is to catalyze the formation and breaking of covalent bonds by stabilizing intermediate states of the substrates that need to go through when they are converted to a product. Imagine that a business is nothing more than an “enzyme”.

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  3069 Hits

Living in a “function” world

Living in a “function” world

Through our lives we impact everything and everybody and although many of us do not know whether what we do now or in the future will have a positive or negative impact, the “real” world reminds us of who we are because we live in a “function” type of world. What is a function and how do we all fit in this “function” world? If we take the mathematical function definition: “a function (math) is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output”, it is very close to “cause and effect” in a known environment because for each outcome there is an input that will have a certain weight in the function that is in the “box” and under process.

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  3078 Hits

Divergent thinkers

Divergent thinkers

I watched the movie “Divergent” while thinking that today’s societies have a Pareto-chart distribution that matches quite well the distribution of the five factions as Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), and Erudite (the intelligent). The one category that was not chosen by anyone in the movie was “poor and sick” and yet there were many of them living on the streets.

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  3164 Hits

Lean Six Sigma System challenges and opportunities

Lean Six Sigma System challenges and opportunities

I will not provide an exhaustive discussion at this time, but rather some main points that might attract the attention of companies, organizations, practitioners, software providers etc. about what we are missing in creating a Lean Six Sigma System. What are some of the Lean Six Sigma System’s characteristics?

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  3083 Hits

The day when dinosaurs’ monopoly disappeared

The day when dinosaurs’ monopoly disappeared

For the dinosaurs, it was a calm day without any visible signs that dramatic events were going to happen that would lead to the end of their existence. Since they have been living for at least 150 million years on Earth, the entire world was theirs. There were no human beings therefore there were no computers, WiFi, Twitter, Facebook, satellites, or any known type of communications that would have shown them ahead of time what the future events will be.

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  3388 Hits

Brain functionality and modularity changes in a learning environment

Brain functionality and modularity changes in a learning environment

Understanding the changes in brain’s structure as a result of learning and adaptation is pivotal because it will provide us with an understanding about the characteristic flexibility of our brain to adapt, and how we can live with a healthier “brain” for longer time.

Learning alters the brain, but how can we proof its positive change? Also, the brain stores energy, but is learning increasing the amount of energy or what kind of improvements will happen? What will happen after we will learn something new? Learning of abstract information will also induce morphological changes in cortical structures.

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  3113 Hits

Strategic planning and leadership

Strategic planning and leadership

Previously, we discussed the behavioral characteristics that are expected from leaders in the 21st Century. Leadership strategic planning in a company or organization involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute those actions.

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  3040 Hits

Strategic planning of mLearning program delivery

We enjoyed when the Smartphone appeared in our lives, although we still have some challenges with "touch" functions. From the common phones to tablets, information started to be delivered in real time wherever we are, and at any time of day or night.

Carried with us, and stored in several chips, we have our whole personal information including friends and email accounts. Now, we have even larger data warehouses in the Cloud. eLearning is also known as distance learning because it is outside of the classroom. When the device becomes mobile, whether it is PDA, Netbook, Notebook, Tablet, MP3 player, eBook Reader or Smartphone, we start to see and experience those differences on mLearning because of the way the information is delivered. We will leave the notebook, because this mobile device is a bridge between the Desktop eLearning and mobile learning.

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Strategic planning and Lean Six Sigma

Strategic planning is a process companies go through usually once a year and the plan is reviewed at least once every quarter. This process has inputs such as:

• Company mission

• Previous Strategic Plan and Key Performance Indices (KPI) results

• Market forecast

• Existing technology and skills

• Capacity constraints: human resources, equipment, financial resources

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