Gaming theory at society level and companies evolution

If we consider that over 90% of the entire globe is in some sort of the game play, what are the chances to foresee what will happen in the future? Let’s see the few criteria that differentiate the cooperative versus uncooperative gaming theories.

Noncooperative game theory is the model in when each of the players is assumed to behave selfishly and their behaviors are directly modeled. In a world in which the majority of population is selfish and competitive, the game theory elements are:

1) framing the situation in terms of the actions available to players and their payoffs as a function of actions and

2) using various equilibrium notions to make either descriptive or prescriptive predictions

If we look from a society level perspective, we can see those societies where people have cooperative vs. uncooperative behaviors, but we also see the kind of alliances that some have established for gain purposes.

If we move one layer below, we can see the companies that have been developed within a certain environment/culture where cooperation at individual level is highly rewarded versus the companies where the entire team is rewarded.

Nash equilibrium works well in companies where the different departments would work openly, but the Executive needs to be open about the rules of the game.

Nash equilibrium in the theory says that no player can do better by unilaterally changing his or her strategy. In game theory, a cooperative game is a game where groups of players "coalitions" may enforce cooperative behaviour; hence the game is a competition between coalitions of players, rather than between individual players.

An example is a coordination game, when players choose the strategies by a consensus decision-making process. In terms of evolution, the companies or societies that will prevail, will be the ones that will share freely the pool of knowledge, beliefs etc. because altruism constitutes the highest level on the evolution scale.

We can introduce now the kin selection in the gaming theory. Kin selection has an altruistic behavior since the “I” would do anything for the good or the rest of its “relatives”. Kin selection is not currently approached by large organizations because it would involve into a higher level of the cooperative game that might potentially lead to less regulations and chaos.

But at the society level, kin selection would imply that people who have more can give freely to people who have less or nothing because the idea of survival will replicate therefore within the game theory, each would reach the higher level through giving.

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