Consequences when people are not encouraged to learn and implement the concepts in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Reputable companies continue to train their employees in Lean Six Sigma methodology as a continuous way to ensure cost reductions, high quality levels and human development. These companies will continue to exist above the 100 year milestone if the Executive core will have the system that rewards people who are interested and focused on continuing learning or training.
What happens with companies that do not encourage people to continually gain new skills through training, learning and implementing their new ideas? The last years economical downturns were in many cases result of poor training and lack of willingness to implement in practice the new ideas or methodologies. Another root cause was caused by management teams who wanted all the benefits of quick training without knowing how to communicate with their employees what and how to make those changes in workplace. Although learning requires that at different management and individual levels there is a culture towards human development, many companies look at their accounts rather than on how many people have been trained and how to measure the training results.
What is the solution? Although each company has their own culture, the companies who are successful know how to implement and support changes that lead to implementation first, and then control and track the changes. Based on data and most current information available from neuropsychology, neuroscience, and other disciplines that combine human body with social studies, we know that cultural diversity including language development has positive effects at brain level. The question is how many companies are in fact using the benefits of engaging and accepting cultural changes when people express themselves differently?

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