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"for the object of #education is to #teach us to #love #beauty." Plato

Can we #teach the #youth how to #create rather than how to destroy?

Can anyone #teach #engineering without teaching #design? How can those who completed the #engineering #schools not know and/or understand #design? #schools focus should be on teaching how to #design the #systems and their #interactions, #relationships, #outcomes

Differences continue to exist between those who #know vs #teach. It is unfortunate that in many #schools we have #doers providing it. "Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach" Aristotle

Those who know #teach but when there is no previous experience, the outcome misses on the #reason. "reason is the power of synthesizing into unity, by means of comprehensive principles, the concepts that are provided by the intellect. That reason which gives a priori principles Kant calls “pure reason,” as distinguished from the “practical reason"-

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I keep going back to the basics; #mathteachers don't provide enough details when they #teach , rarely students will try to find answers on their own therefore it is #teacherresponsibility to give #links, #examples, #resources that will help them is mandatory since many can learn math but they just don't know it.

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