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The #highlyeducated #workforce is a myth since with the technological advancements, everyone can learn anywhere. The #education today refers to the #cultural #environment and #resources used for #learning rather than the schools attended. #educationchanges #elearning #selflearning
If there is anything #funny about today's #education is when the #bureaucrats do not recognize themselves as such. #learning today happens when #tools are made available to #students. #selflearning is no longer an impediment in acquiring the #knowledge.
Learning Management Systems have experienced exponential growth due to the new approaches to #selflearning #grouplearning . Some # LMSs can monitor the student's access, performances, etc. based on the number of clicks 😂
In fact eLearning as a methodology is deemed for those students who are at an Academic level as self-motivated, benefiting from more independence, extensive theory and abstract applications as in Lean Six Sigma methodology #abstractapplication #selflearning #timemanagement
AI advancements will be made in the way learning is presented to each student as each has his/her own brain map therefore results will be then comparable while different than what we currently have. It is how information is presented to each student that makes a difference but it is also how much the student want to be successful that counts the most. #selflearning
the connection with a true self-learner will be therefore easier to make but when is not, that person is not a self-learner; true or false? #connection #selflearning
empowering yourself through self-learning has been demonstrated as a proper way to move learning in this 21st century although many organizations and people are still looking backwards #selflearning #selfempowerment