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Conclusion: #politics within each #school #dictates #software #availability and what students learn. The downside is that not all schools are equal while deception reaches a high level. #manufacturing of any type requires the highest level of knowledge. #AI can not replace #knowledge since a student would not know what to learn unless they know what question to ask.

Since #reasoning is important for gaining a certain level of #knowledge in almost everything then #statistics is one of the topics that shall be taught in all schools and all levels.😂

The main difficulty in bringing software platforms in #colleges and #universities is due to #controlled #knowledge. Controlling knowledge is happening regardless of one's input(s).

If there is anything #funny about today's #education is when the #bureaucrats do not recognize themselves as such. #learning today happens when #tools are made available to #students. #selflearning is no longer an impediment in acquiring the #knowledge.

#Applied #knowledge and #interactions in #education; the opportunities are beyond anyone's imagination yet many #countries have failed to understand the role of #education in this #century. #historical #data has proven #continuity through education in some cultures while others have shown a complete disregard for achievements. #DNAgenerative, #AI, #ML, have to be implemented everywhere.

While #students #spent #money and #effort to #gain what is for some #complex #knowledge, the type of jobs offered requires very low skills. Another issue is the gap in #creating #highquality #jobs by the #industries. #processofcreatingjobs

Due to increased accessibility to #qualityresources, #education will become the most #openenvironment that ensures access to #knowledge #qualitylife #educationenvironment #IT #AI

As #mathematics requires many years of practice to reach a decent level of #knowledge, I wonder how those without any such knowledge lead in #politics. Access shall be open to the public. "let no one enter here who is ignorant of mathematics" #plato

#leaders without #deep and thorough #knowledge in #history, #religion, #culture, #philosophy, etc. miss the opportunity to show what they want to be recognized for!

#Next-generation #poverty will become incomparable worse because of a large #gap that exists among the #children’s #knowledge.

#Reinforced #knowledge is done by #AI and #ML therefore #online classes should not be any different. #eliminating #exams and #test and #replace with #participation #relearning

#formingonline groups will #achieve a limited #success when there are #large differences in #knowledge

Even when students have the #knowledge they still make mistakes when taking tests, therefore, it would be critical to understanding why the #mistakes are #made? #hypothesis: if the #mind is #fluid, it would try to follow a certain #flowpattern that is based on time and space #mindthermodynamics #mindtime #mindspace while reducing the #thinkingeffort.

If a person is an #expert in his/her field of #knowledge would it imply that there would be no errors made or is it a way to justify the #position held?

Well aware that today's  #students who are #technical  #savvy with  #knowledge of #foreign #languages, and #intercultural  #competence will help us all to make positive changes

Interesting enough from #cultural perspectives, when students get a grade of 70% their thoughts are that they did something wrong when in fact it only shows the level of #knowledge proving that there is still work to be done #StudentProgress

The most objective way to know whether the students learned, understood and passed tests/exams are through #elearning , #AI , #technology therefore the development of course curriculums and software shall be accelerated rather than continue to use the old paradigm of using unprepared "teacher" in the topic that he/she presents while all societies still expect to move forward in #knowledge #peace

are the games developing the brain/mind? well, it is our response to the environment therefore obviously it does impact it but is this the way we want the humans to be forced into development? #knowledge #art #peaceinheart

I think that in many cases, technological advancements were possible mainly because some have decided to change the status quo as a way of proving that humans are capable of achieving the extraordinary #technology #AIdevelopment #knowledge #humanity

As I was thinking about an example that would be easier for children to remember, my husband came-up with this one:
Function: Y = f(X1, X2)

Y => knowledge
X1 => time spent to learn
X2 => brain elasticity

Y = X1 x X2


100 = 100 hrs x 1

100 = 10 hrs x 10

100 = 1 hr. x 100
#function #learning #knowledge