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We have #leaders who are allowed to make decisions that affect all of us who missed knowing how to make the #distinctions between the #different #levels. #quality is an #attribute.

#intelligent #students want to have intelligent #professors, while other types of students want to #passcourses in #colleges and #universities. #different #student #populations having #differentprofessors as not all #professors are the same. #AI

It is a mistake that we make in #education when we expect similar #outcomes even when a #professor teaches similar #populations. Each #individual has a #different #history #genetics Then the main #AI in #education needs to be developed based on #trees

#inclusive while still in a #multicultural #society, #individual identity and origins are still recognized and #aknowledged as #different; #learning about the differences will lead to more #choices #developed. #multisocieties

Someone said that each student can be engaged online, but we know that each #person is #different so then how can a #student be engaged if we only use one #mode which is #online? #multimodes