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It is well known by now that the #countries #culture leads directly to #productivity increases therefore any country that wants to have a #qualityofLife has to ensure a #commonCulture that is directly related to its ancestors and those #alike rather than to an influx of #largeMixesCultures. #qualityOfLife
Some students feel they #deserve the obedient professor and it is the result of an #entitlement #culture and/or religion. AI and eLearning will re-assess those who learn #cultureChangesthroughAI
#craftsmanship requires attention to #details, #care, etc. regardless of whether it is technology, bathroom repairs, painting walls, road builds, etc. #Quality is built in #culture and its #education.
A large majority of #organizations can not understand #genial people. The gap is exacerbated due to large differences in #culture but mainly in #education #genialpeople
#leaders without #deep and thorough #knowledge in #history, #religion, #culture, #philosophy, etc. miss the opportunity to show what they want to be recognized for!
to instill a #culture of #fear and #oppression is easy for some raised in it or who were part of it, but to make changes to #oneself and recognize the wrongdoings is an #art
#groupcollaboration in learning has always been seen as the most difficult to be achieved due to failure to produce the results as they intended; even further the collaboration using the technologies tools require that students move above the #localized areas in which most live #culture #beliefs #regulatoryprocesses
When #test for an #emergency response, each #person's response is different yet the #total #population response is an indication of a #culture
Changing the #education #culture becomes the most difficult task as those who are supposed to be free of #educationpoliticitization are in fact the most exposed to such interferences. #creation is the result of #freewill that can only expand when it is not correlated to large differences that continue to exist in education.
#70 years of an #integrative process within #EU tells us how difficult is to come together from #culture perspectives. Those differences will continue to exist as it is normal to have differences. What will make it more challenging in the future is to accept that everybody requires the same level of #qualityoflife
#people chose that #culture that #represents them the most and that is the type of #HumanFreedom #peace
There are risks associated with those who do not hire #changeagents since no business can run without #changes yet the #culture that are most reluctant with such improvements are those who were managed from the #top through #autocracy rather than #democracy