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some funny #AI keep on creating their profiles on the #bitspec website and then post different articles linking to other websites😂😂😂
#bitspec- inquiry based learning

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It did take me a long time to reach the conclusion that the society does not encourage the individual enterprise but on a contrary the separation between those with power (#political and #economic etc) and the rest who have very little! #BITSPEC was created many years ago with the idea of #openness yet has never been recognized but rather seen as the #pragmatic way of using #technologies

Maybe some of our followers have wondered why #bitspec has a #Social area where I post almost daily? The answer is simple; #changes are constant and as a #system the first that degrades is the #socialsystem. #rootcauses are caused by #humans therefore the only way we can ensure #fairness is through #socialchanges

Any organization can use BITSPEC’s course and certification in Lean Six Sigma to pass IASSC exam if they want to have a knowledgeable workforce. #leansixsigmacertification #bitspec

Teachers, professors, trainers etc. are the developers of the “human beings” who are applying tools and methodologies to engage socially their students. Most of their work constitutes the art of research since they have to always adapt in order to make changes #definitionteacher #definitionprofessor #definitiontrainer #bitspec

#trainer gives the industry's insights, while #professor teaches knowledge, yet both are needed to students; #BITSPEC offers you both levels through website

#bitspec teaches mainly concepts and theory and expects from students to raise their own level in #conceptualizing

#leansixsigma is a philosophy while #BITSPEC provides help to further deepen #knowledge through #arts and #technology

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