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#students limit their learning abilities because there is very little trust between #generations #cultures #world #buildingtrust takes time

The question is always about how many of those who went through hard times in their lives, turn it around and then help others?
By helping each other we will all see #growth and #prosperity. If the #trend will continue to be in #creating more #differences and #deeper #poverty, the #world will never become any better. #continuousimprovement

The #world #overall #performance is either better or worse depending on the #relationships that humans establish between them. #eLearning, #online #education and #training are supposed to work towards #engagement, #collaboration, opening the #discussions rather than the opposite. Yet, very few are seeing such changes and the question is why?

Dorina Grossu then the opposite of such openness in communication and collaboration are creating control so then how #AutocraticSocieties want to #conquer through... Show more 5 years ago

main reason for #education is for people to get to develop their vision but does it happening? what kind of vision exists across the #world when people have no jobs, high debts, poverty, less quality etc.? if people can not develop the vision to include all, who then can?

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